AIA St. Louis Design Award
We are extremely excited to announce that Fox Architects has won an AIA St. Louis 2015 Design Award for our work on the Reinsurance Group Of America (RGA) Global Headquarters. The award was presented at the AIA St. Louis 2015 Design Award Event on September 17, 2015. The Jury Chair was Larry Speck FAIA of PageSutherlandPage and a professor at the School of Architecture at the University of Texas at Austin. The entire event was document in this weeks St. Louis Business Journal.

We are very proud of our long relationship with RGA and the opportunities that are throughout the years. We would like to thank everyone at RGA who shared our vision, passion, and goals for the project! – as Bob Dunn said in accepting the award: “It takes a great client to make a great building”. In addition thanks to AIA St. Louis for hosting this event and everyone who has been part of this project!
For additional information on RGA project visit our project page or give us a call to talk about what makes this project so great!