Arrived Perfect – Opening Reception Tonight
Yesterday I received a call from a friend who got an early viewing of the installation “Arrived Perfect (Assembly Required) Sculpture and drawings by Tad Gloeckler. I’ve been told the exhibition is not to be missed: moreover, Professor Gloeckler is giving a talk tonight (October 13th) about the exhibition from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The opening reception runs till 8:00
This exhibition is in the Morton J May Foundation Gallery on the campus of Maryville University. Hope to see you there!
Tad is currently an Associate Professor of Art at the Lamar Dodd School of Art, University of Georgia. from Tad’s Website
“Tad Gloeckler’s work resembles furniture, jewelry or architecture in the same way that Lewis Carroll’s “Hunting of the Snark” resembles children’s literature; it can be appreciated as a light hearted diversion at first, but with successive readings it reveals a dark and critical underside that makes us stop and wonder which other of our diversions might not be so lighthearted as well. Each time we look again, there is another layer just beneath the surface whispering in our ear.”