Navigating Space: the New Workplace
Content by Adnan Omeragic, AIA. Artwork by Jeremy Migneco.
Navigating the unchartered frontier of office life since COVID-19, Fox wanted to revisit a time that embodied human perseverance and advancement in science. To reflect on an era that taught the entire world to dream and in honor of this week’s launch to the International Space Station, Fox architectural designer Jeremy Migneco created a mural on the white board at the office entrance, transforming a formerly blank wall into a space that represents Fox employees navigating this uncertain world in which we are living and working.
It represents our founder Mike Fox planting his flag and initiating this firm’s existence. It represents everyone becoming acclimated to the new workplace environment with the suggested personal space and social distancing measures, the PPE equipment.
Imagine explorers looking back at Earth, a planet where we are all in this together, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity. It references the last time the world came together on such scale to achieve a common goal. It represents the attitude and drive required to achieve such a massive goal. It is a reminder of the incredible feeling we will all have when we do. It is a reminder we are in this together, that we are better together even though we must remain apart.